Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Celebrating the Southwest -- Turquoise and Tiger Eye

Occasionally, I will find a terrific component -- a fabulously odd bead, unusually-colored crystals or, in this case, an outrageously huge piece of turquoise made into a clasp. It took me quite a while to summon up the courage to string stuff to go on this clasp, but I did it. In a celebration of the American Southwest that looks like it was born in Texas or New Mexico, but is actually a variation of classic Native American jewelry, I combined two different shades of turquoise -- classic Western sky turquoise with earthy green, and contrasted it with the even earthier Tiger Eye with its desert tones. This is a pretty weighty piece -- major showcase stuff that can be worn where you'd imagine wearing a more traditional turquoise piece. Only this one has a high-fashion edge to it -- multiple strands, mixed textures, the subtle glint of decorative silver beads, designed to set off the fabulousness of the Chinese turquoise clasp. Price: $900.00.

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